Saturday, July 9, 2011

why did the chicken cross the road??

Question ... Why did the chicken cross the road?

PLATO: For the greater good.

ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross roads.
KARL MARX: It was a historical inevitability.
CAPTAIN JAMES T. KIRK: To boldly go where no chicken has gone before.
HIPPOCRATES: Because of an excess of phlegm in its pancreas.
MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.: I envision a world where all chickens will be free to cross roads without having their motives called into question.
MOSES: And God came down from the Heavens, and He said unto the chicken, ``Thou shalt cross the road.'' And the chicken crossed the road, and there was much rejoicing.
FOX MULDER: You saw it cross the road with your own eyes. How many more chickens have to cross the road before you believe it?
RICHARD M. NIXON: The chicken did not cross the road. I repeat, the chicken did NOT cross the road.
MACHIAVELLI: The point is that the chicken crossed the road. Who cares why? The end of crossing the road justifies whatever motive there was.
JERRY SEINFELD: Why does anyone cross a road? I mean, why doesn't anyone ever think to ask, What the heck was this chicken doing walking around all over the place, anyway?
FREUD: The fact that you are at all concerned that the chicken crossed the road reveals your underlying sexual insecurity.
BILL GATES: Our soon-to-be-released Chicken '98 will not only cross roads, but will lay eggs, file your important documents, and balance your checkbook.
OLIVER STONE: The question is not, ``Why did the chicken cross the road?'' Rather, it is, ``Who was crossing the road at the sametime, whom we overlooked in our haste to observe the chicken crossing?''
DARWIN: Chickens, over great periods of time, have been naturally selected in such a way that they are now genetically disposed to cross roads.
EINSTEIN: Whether the chicken crossed the road or the road moved beneath the chicken depends upon your frame of reference.
BUDDHA: Asking this question denies your own chicken nature.
RALPH WALDO EMERSON: The chicken did not cross the road... it transcended it.
MICHAEL SCHUMACHER: It was an instinctive maneuver, the chicken obviously didn't see the road until he had already started to cross.
COLONEL SANDERS: I missed one?
PHYSICIST: Because the chicken's momentum had a positive component towards the other side of the road.
QUANTUM PHYSICIST: Because you measured its momentum too precisely.
MATHEMATICIAN: Because of the intermediate values theorem.
ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRIST: Well, consider a faithfully flat etale coherent sheaf...
C PROGRAMMER: cross_road() was called from get_other_side()
C++ PROGRAMMER: chicken->CrossRoad() was called from chicken->GetOtherSide()
MARKETING DIVISION OF MICROSOFT CORPORATION: Where does your chicken want to go today?
MARVIN: The other side is just as dull as this one. Don't talk to me about chickens.
ARTHUR DENT: Why did the chicken cross the road? 42? No, that doesn't make sense.


To cross, or not to cross, that is the question: -
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind, to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous side;
Or to take arms against a road of troubles,
And by crossing end them?

Sunday, July 3, 2011

july newsletter

just a quick blog to let you know the july news letter is out for Better Scrapbooking. read it here!

and the
Craft Out West
16th and 17th July
Te Pai Centre
Craft Show Entrance
(Indoor Netball Facility)
Adults: $5.00
Senior Citizens: $3.00
Children under 12yrs: Free
Proceeds to Hopice West Auckland

is happening soon.  looking forward to it.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

one photo, three ideas

today at scrappn was at my house,  Kerry had the great idea that Debbie, herself and i should scrapbook the same photo of the three of us, worrisome as us three girls can be quite competitive (mostly Debbie!). 

Anyhow here are our three layouts



and mine
they all turned out so very different.  catch ya xx

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mothers Day xx

Happy Mothers Day to all my lovely blog readers and big hugs to those who mothers day isnt quite as happy as it can be.  I remember my first mothers day with out Josh, he had died three day before and it sucked BIG time But I have two WONDERFUL kids who make me feel like the best mum ever!

Yesterday was National Scrapbooking day, which is odd because really it is International Scrapbooking day and did I scrap?  oh yes I did  Megan over at Better Scrapbooking ran a online challenge and I uploaded my photos this morning but here they are so you can see first hand. 

This first layout Megan gave us a sketch to copy and this is what I did,  I used a lace cardstock I brought from the warehouse as my stencil and sprayed it with Glimmer Mist, I am sooo happy with how it turned out
of course these photos are quite old and before Josh got sick, what cute boys I have x

lol more sibling pictures but so up to date, take at Easter, at you guessed it Hine's wedding. Anyway Megan gave us another sketch and this is what I did....

Last challenge I entered was one that used stitching,  I hand stitched up the side of this layout, I really wanted Geo to stand out so used alot of red to zoom your eye in.... hope it worked

And this last layout I didn't enter online but I worked on it for a couple of days,  This is my Father In Law who passed away many years ago.  I do love this photo, we don't have many so every one is special (and I did more spraying with glimmer mist can you see what my latest addiction is)

I hope you all have a wonderful day I know Im going too, one of my presents today was from my darling son and his oh so clever girlfriend (who knew what to buy me) was a dymo label maker,  I have been looking at layouts for MONTHS now that have labels used for journaling and thinking I wish I had one of those but have not got around to getting one yay now I have one, thanks Scott and Mel you rock xx chris

Friday, May 6, 2011

wow where did that week go?

goodness did anyone else notice that first week back at school went really fast??  so what did I do this week... Monday with Eilish making Mothers Day cards (and did you know I made my mum an awesome card popped it in the post so it would make it on time and pooh forgot to take a photo).  Tuesday was spent with my dear friend Kerry cleaning out her shop (well not anymore hurrah!!).  Wednesday mmmmm ok Thursday ooh thats easy I went into ccf (child cancer foundation) to drop off 18 sweet adorable trays of chocolate ready for our mothers day mini pamper day on monday.  If you want to see this is the link to kerrys trade me listings too sweet too she has some yum stuff and some delish tins just right for scrapbooking stuff!  Layouts well here is yet another from the wedding :)

luff ya all

Saturday, April 30, 2011

better do some scrappn

look better scrapbooking's April news letter is out click and have a read. some of my fellow design team have some great ideas.  I had to do the OTP item and made some awesome covered boxes for Miss Geo.
cute I know.  this month I also attended my beautiful eldest nieces wedding, Miss Geo was the junior bridesmaid and guess who I took the most photos of?? yup Miss Geo, did get a couple of family snaps and some lovely ones of Master Scott and his lovely lady Mel.  Here is the layout I did

Mel has a crown on just because I like to tease her that she is the future Queen.  And just because I love to share with you all here is my two kids together (awwwww I hear you say)
ten years between them ....sigh, they grow so fast, And just to add here is the little monkey that is between them, those wonderful nieces gave me the big flowers from the church to take up to Josh's grave sweet I know

They where so big they covered up his whole headstone,  Nice though as on the 2nd May it will be 13 whole years since josh died,  Im not sure where time has gone, until I look at my kids and think....thats where it went!

to finish on a happy note I just sent some time away in Whangamata with my bestie Kerry and our two girls, lots of scrappn and laughing and drinking, last happy snap of Miss Geo and I
catch ya later xx

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

birthday week

I have a few photos this week so I will just get stuck in
First, my $1000 winning scratchie, yes some people do win!!

Next my delightful son and his girlfriends giving me their best couple look (NOT)

Miss Geo is 12 years old today and here is her mouse cake

and lastly my eldest niece is getting married on Saturday to her lovely man and I wanted to make her a special card, so I did xx

Saturday, April 9, 2011

So its a bit of a long one

busy busy thats me.  first up better scrapbooking newsletter has a couple of my layouts in it. 

And here are Aprils challenges for Better Scrapbooking
 Lovely Ladies having fun!

 Delish bag with my intials on it and yum yum goodies that where inside

So Thank you very much lovely ladies for the wonderful night!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

another day scrapping

today is the day I meet with my friends to scrap away the hours, I'm working on my mum and dads cycle holiday album.  My folks cycle all the time, mum even has cyclist calve muscles (cute i know) anyway they keep going down to Otago to cycle the rail trail.  next week will be their third trip so I though I should do an 8x8 album for them, stole their camera and took all their photos.

scrapnn people cycling isn't that easy

oohhhhhh so cute look at my mum and dad I love them to bits!!!

mum loves to take photos and is quite good at the self portrait thing.

catch ya later xx

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

brrr snow

yes you read that correct brrr snow, and indoors even lol yes Geo and I went to snow planet today with a charity called Ride For Life.  Awesome group of people hope all goes well for them!

 they even gave the kids cool as beanies to keep, of course Geo had a flower in her hair that she removed to put on her hat!

had a blast xx

Monday, March 21, 2011

and just before its next month

here is my layouts I did for this months better scrapbooking.  Lucky me to have so much yum stuff to play with.

Ive finally finished the secret album Ive been working on but the lucky lass isnt getting it till next month so I will have to wait to post pictures,  I did take a quick snap before I sent the album off.  (lucky)

Ive been sewing my little fingers off, just sent away 4 little bears to their new home and then in the mail arrived teeny weeny new born clothes from a mum who would like 7 bears, some peoples stories are heart breaking really.

oh a happy note today is my darling hubby and I anniversary 17 years wehave been co-habiting 13 of them as a awesome married couple. LOVE ya Darlin xox

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

giving a plug

Hi guys just a wee plug for Louise Williams over on face book auctions for christchurch go have a look she has some amazing stuff that the scrapbook community has donated.
Here is what Louise said

"On the 22nd of February 2011, Christchurch, NZ was hit by ANOTHER massive quake. This time there are many fatalaties and extensive damage to the city that was already struggling to recover from the first quake that struck in September last year. In a bid to do SOMETHING to help, I'm organising auctions to raise money to send to them to help with the immediate needs and future rebuilding of the city. We have a lot of amazing items being donated by artists and scrappers who are giving supplies to be auctioned, with 100% of the money raised going to the funds to help. This is the facebook group that you need to join so you can register to bid, auctions will be running from Saturday, 5th March. To register you need to email me at with your name, address and email and I'll be in contact to give you a paddle number. All bidding is done silently, so when you want to bid on an item you email me the figure you'd like to bid. I'll update the auctions as bids are received. When the auction closes the winner will be contacted for payment (I've set up a separate bank account for these auctions, and all transactions are totally transparent for anyone who wants to see it but 100% of the funds will be donated). The winners details will then be forwarded on to the contributor so they can send the item out directly. Ok... any questions sing out to either me or Debbie Blincoe and thank you all for your support. Make sure you register, bid high and let's help those people recover from the rubble down there. L xx"

seriously go look there is some great stuff and not to rub your noses in it but I picked up a cricut gypsy for $105!!  but before you think Im not giving enough so far I have won three auctions and spent $285 will tell you more when all the auction are done and dusted

Thursday, March 3, 2011

ok so I have been so slack

It started out Innocent enough, the kids managed to use up all 50 megabits whatchamacallits in 10 days so for the the other 20 days of the month we had slower than dial up speed no uploading no downloading...face book wouldn't even work :(
and then another couple of weeks slipped by, camp with miss Geo and getting better scrapbooking design team stuff done and then the EARTHQUAKE and before you know it Ive not blogged for two months.

here though is a photo from my daughters class on Thursday, they had their RED AND BLACK day early as they have a teacher only day on Friday (today)

Miss Geo is second from right front row!

any how Ive been doing heaps of scrappn but cant show you, its a surprise for someone 21st and you never know who is looking and I would Hate to ruin the surprise maybe later though I can give you a sneak peek.

Better Scrapbooking has their latest newsletter out check it out!!! some of those design team ladies are smart cookies.

right I PROMISE that I will blog better


Friday, January 28, 2011

ok Ive added the layouts Im so excited

Just because I can Im putting up my layouts.  Im going to be scrappn again today as it is such a horrible day outside we even have a tiny bit of flooding (miss geo was soooooooo excited and took photos)  ankle deep water at the bottom of our deck lol!  anyway here they are my first lot of layouts for Better Scrapbooking

This is miss Geo and I at the falls.  I was "trying" to take a good photo of the two of us...sigh!!

 I have some awesome photos of Josh and I.   Taken off a video that was made for Ronald McDonald House Auckland, Josh thought the whole movie making thing was magic and got so involved and lucky for me it means more photos I have of my boy I miss terribly :(
 Ha Scott's 21st birthday was a super hero party and Scott and his delightful girlfriend Mel dressed up as superman and wonder woman.  I lucky mum that I am got to make Scott's outfit super tight spandex YUCK!! but he looked awesome (and so did Mel) and his cake was made by a dear friend Kerry and said KAPOW.
 This is my mum and miss Geo in mums garden, I loved this paper with its swirls and the colour yum yum
so that's it must get stuck in and do some more.  Tootles xx

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Oh yes look at my work

Wow the news letter for Better Scrapbooing came out today and I have all my pages I designed in it.  If you dont get the news letter you can click the link betterscrapbooking newsletter to go read it!

Mostly this week I have been swaning around at a campsite with darling miss Geo.  We decided to go camping after the storm for four days just her and I in our new tent, which when we went to put up I had no idea what it would look like but luckly we had no trouble

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

January Challenges at Better Scrapbooking

Check out the challenges at Better Scrapbooking this month. You have until the end of January to enter the following challenges;

January Layout Challenge:
Your Summer Holidays. Create a layout of something you did over your Summer Holidays.

January Photo Challenge:
Fun in the Sun. Take a photo of you having fun in the "sun".

January Project Challenge:
Alter Something. Find something you can change the look of and alter it with your scrapbooking supplies. Let your imagination and creativity take flight with this challenge.

January Card Challenge:
Use Markers - Use them to colour your stamps, write a title or create a border. Lets see what you do with your Markers.

Thanks fellow DT member Karen Barlow for posting these up and reminding us.
I am going to be taking photos today as it is my birthday today yay 21 x 2 + 1 today  might just get that awesome photo for the photo challenge

Sunday, January 16, 2011

memory bears

I also thought Id better post a photo of one of my memory bears.  this is one of my little Joshua Bears made from his PJ's and boxers

now isnt that cute!!

nite all

Friday, January 14, 2011

a little bird cage

Just before I load pictures of what I have done for better scrapbooking I thought I would show you one of the items I used for applying.

A little bird cage.....

sweet dreams xx

Sunday, January 9, 2011

busy busy

Funny how holidays never seem to be relaxing.  Ive been busy doing Geo's 8x8 album but that has come to a halt with two....two I tell you, Pages left.  I had started on Miss D's album, she is going to be 21 in march and her mum asked me if I would kindly do her an 8x8 album mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yup why not!! working hard on my pages for the scrapkit this month.  Looks like this design team business is going to be heaps of fun.

toodles, poodles